Mike Chickenman… Mike CM… Gets PEOPed by Fly

The infamous Mike Chickenman, now known as Mike Cm, was recently PEOPed by the graphic artist, Fly. You may remember Mike from Green Day’s show at Madison Square Garden back in July, he of the hardhat, the death metal rendition of “Longview” and a stagedive into oblivion. It was strangely awesome and a bit whack at the same time.

I’ve gotten to know Mike since that night at Madison Square Garden. I was very wary at first, but somehow this crazy, sweet kid won me over. He’s a legend around the punk and crusty scene in New York, known as an avid lover of music, a little loopy, and an up-and-coming music promoter.  When I met Mike late in 2009, he was in a bad place in regards to drugs and alcohol. Since January 2010 thereabouts, he’s been kicking his habit. It hasn’t been easy for him, but it’s never easy to kick a habit and stay true to yourself in a world where everyone wants you to conform… though every once in a while, you might have to confrom just a little, but hopefully not too much.

Mike was really excited (more than usual, which is saying a lot for Mike), about the possibility of having the graphic artist, zine writer and musician, Fly, do one of her PEOP sketches of him. Fly, (whose website can be found here) first published PEOPs: Portraits and Stories of People back in 2003. Her PEOP sketches combine drawings of her subject with conversational dialogue from her sketching session with them. The sketch and part of that conversation are then combined into a drawing. Kristy Eldredge summed up PEOPs in her review from 2004:

The people Fly features are artists, musicians, activists and seekers. A few are well known – Lydia Lunch, Art Spiegelman, John Zorn – but most are anonymous members of what used to be known as the underground. (In these days when the maw of media shines a spotlight on everything in its path, nothing seems underground.) In general they’re creative people who don’t want mainstream careers, draw inspiration from music and find meaning in collective action.

PEOPs #5, which includes portraits of Aaron Cometbus and Jello Biafra, can be purchased at Microcosm Publishing. Mike’s PEOP may be included in the next edition, here’s hoping! UPDATE: As Abbey noted in the comments, a PEOP is also featured monthly in Maximum RocknRoll, so here’s hoping it appears in one or the other.

Mike Cm - PEOP by Fly

About Green Day Mind

Writer, blogger, archivist, not a mom. Three cats. Used to go to a lot of punk shows. View all posts by Green Day Mind

One response to “Mike Chickenman… Mike CM… Gets PEOPed by Fly

  • Abbey

    Mike is one of the most contagiously enthusiastic people i know and has a good heart. I attempted to judge him from the outside mess that he appears to be but very quickly learned there is more to him than meets the eye.

    A PEOP is also featured each month in Maximum Rock and Roll. Mike joins the ranks of notable people in the punk community with his PEOP and I am so happy to see how touched and thrilled he is over it.

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